Episode 0001: Introducing ADD.
First episode coming soon - please stay tuned!
Introducing a podcast between two seemingly disparate co-hosts about anything that matters in the universe in all random orders of chaos only to find common ground and order in the end.
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Meet the Hosts
Kevin and Rey can’t be any more different. Xennial vs Gen Z. NorCal vs SoCal. Cat/rabbit vs dog. Risk-averse to semi risk-averse. Different ethnicities, hobbies, and interests. Ironically both share so much common ground to become fast friends. Traumatic, dramatic, and destitute childhoods. Same college. All foods, science, arts, movies, curiosity, and humor. And ADD.
Follow along with our hosts, Kevin and Rey, and peer into our typical conversations on all things that matter in life, not just ours, but most likely yours, too.