ADD / Attention Deficit Discourse
Discussing all topics in the universe with copious transgressions and meandering.
Life in this universe isn’t simple. It is not linear or sequential but complex and as webbed as mycelium. We talk about things that may or may not impact our lives but are all nonetheless within our lives. We enjoy blending in humor with profundity, reflections with aspirations, and facts with stories, with all topics unguided by attention and seemingly spawned through chaos.
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Co-founder and co-host. Born and raised with trauma and drama in the ghettos of Sacramento, California. Then shorn and braised in the Ivy League. Glad Xillenial dad (old as an ancient fossil). Scientist and skeptic. Optimist and opportunist. Thinks about thinking itself. Loves dogs, king penguins, and all things simple. The simpler, the better, including life. Always empathetic and curious. Loves to ask the questions that don’t get asked.
Loves his cuddly, rescue pitbull mix, Oreo, shown here.
Allegedly has ADD but without a professional diagnosis or medication. Perhaps uses it to his advantage.
Co-founder and co-host, from southern California. Representing Gen Z but with overtones of drama and trauma. Diagnosed with ADD, curiosity, and creativity. Pessimist and scientist. Loves cats and rabbits. Also a humble, overworked scientist, made more difficult by Kevin through excessive small talk.
Thinks about space and death a lot. Loves the movie, Interstellar, arguably to a fault.